Our Mission
The VCU Administrative Systems team's mission is to implement, maintain, and support applications that facilitate administrative and academic success through a commitment to innovative technology, continuous improvement, and service excellence.
We're here to help!
Ellucian Banner ERP is a suite of administrative software applications for students, financial aid, faculty, employees, human resources, payroll, finance, and more. It includes a reporting environment and system interfaces to and from other systems at VCU and third-party systems.
Banner Administration Pages is an administrative user interface that is used to access the Banner system for day-to-day business; access must be specifically requested and approved.
The Banner Operational Data Store (ODS) provides access to Banner data using user-friendly data marts to deliver decision-support information.
SAS Visual Analytics and Enterprise Guide are business intelligence, analytics, and reporting tools that provide direct access to institutional data sources such as Ellucian Banner and the Operational Data Store. Users can directly satisfy their ad hoc needs for information and data analysis through interactive Web-based reports, query functions, drill down/drill through cube-like features, and automated dashboard analytics. Additionally, SAS Visual Statistics is available to support visual and predictive analytics and data-mining functions at the institutional and operational unit levels. Analytical explorations constructed in Visual Statistics are available for incorporating into dashboards for visual analysis at the desktops of administrative users. The Administrative Systems team is available to assist with providing technical direction and consultation to produce accurate and timely unit-level and program-level information and analysis for reporting and ad hoc reports needed upon request.
eServices provide access to Ellucian Banner Self-Service 9 applications for university students, faculty, and staff. It also includes direct access to related systems such as Degree Works and the Navigate platform.